Bengali Hindu Genocide Research Centre (BHGRC) is dedicated towards the research, documentation and affirmation of the Bengali Hindu genocide.


Historically, the research on the events related to the Bengali Hindu genocide were either viewed from the perspective of the Partition or the Bangladesh Liberation War or the persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh. In the recent years, research exclusively focusing on the Bengali Hindu genocide has gathered some momentum. Yet, lot of research is still to be done. BHGRC’s mission is to continue this research, with special focus on those periods of history which are usually neglected.


Documentation on the Bengali Hindu genocide is very few and far between. Much like the research, most of the documentation on events related to the Bengali Hindu Genocide are either from the perspective of the Partition or the the Bangladesh Liberation War on the ongoing persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh. BHGRC’s mission is to prepare thorough documentation of the Bengali Hindu genocide.


The affirmation of Bengali Hindu genocide has traditionally been eclipsed by the affirmation of Bangladesh Genocide with focus only on the events during the Bangladesh Liberation War. In this regard, BHGRC’s mission is to spread the awareness on and unambiguously affirm the Bengali Hindu genocide as one of the most gruesome genocides of the twentieth century.